August: Potlucks!

August Theme: Potlucks. What do you take with you?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Steak & Everything Sandwiches

I guess I'll once again get us started this month. Mike's absolute favorite meal is Ham and Funeral Potatoes, but most people I know already have a recipe they like for that, so I'm putting this instead. It runs a close second and is one of my top 5 favs as well. Later this month, I'll be putting his favorite desserts. :-)

Uncooked Beef sliced so thin it's falling apart
(I usually go to the meat department and buy a few steaks and have them
slice them for me. Just tell them to slice it so thin that it only has
one side. But you can slice it yourself as well. Just get a few lean
steaks (about one small steak per person) and slice across the grain. One
large flank steak is the best, but they are expensive as well)

Cream Cheese
Sliced Provolone Cheese
Chopped Green Peppers
Chopped Tomatoes
Chopped Onions
Salt and Pepper
Hoagie Rolls (The fresh ones you get in the Bakery Dept)

Cook the meat in a frying pan with a generous sprinkle of salt and pepper. Once browned, remove from pan and drain juices.

Make each sandwich to order. Put enough meat for one sandwich back in the frying pan. Top with 3-ish tablespoons of cream cheese, whatever veggies you want, and a slice of provolone. Cover with a lid and cook until cheeses are melted. With a spatula, mix until the cheeses and veggies are evenly spaced in the meat. Put in a hoagie (toasted if you would like) and serve immediately. Then move on to make the next person's sandwich.

1 comment:

Jennifer V said...

Okay, Kirsten. I am going to have to try this. My mom makes something similar, but doesn't use cream cheese and only does peppers, meat, onion, cheese. And she puts mayo on the hoagies. But cream cheese makes EVERYTHING better, right?! Thanks for sharing this recipe!