I bounced around a lot in choosing majors and degrees, but found a passion while at the U of U for service-learning. My dream job would be directing a service-learning program at a university. I am doing an internship in the service-learning office at UI in the Fall and get excited just thinking about it...sounds nerdy, I know, but I love it.
My husband and I got married last July, and prior to that I think I was suppressing my domestic tendencies while I was single. Now I have let them loose. I love to cook, but desserts and anything unhealthy are my favorites. On top of that, I'm a picky eater, so I'm always looking for new recipes that are healthy and will me help me branch out. I also like to sew (quilts mostly) and crochet. I love to organize things, but I'm also a bit of a pack-rat. I enjoy music -- playing the piano and singing, and would love to learn to use that guitar I bought years ago. I enjoy watching sports (which works out well for my husband), hiking (but I miss the Utah mountains), and waterskiing. I eat ice cream pretty much everyday and I am addicted to orange juice and grape juice.
My biggest cooking disaster was when I was a nanny. We were making cookies and there was a large tub of what looked like sugar in the cupboard. The thought did cross my mind, "what if this is salt?" but I wondered why there would be so much salt in the cupboard -- it was a large container, and I didn't see any sugar. So, I continued and tasted the dough before I baked them and it was horrible, so we started over, but the kids were pretty impatient by that time. So not too much of a disaster, but a big waste of time.
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